
Specialty Eggs

Time limit: 45 days

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Full course description

Meet your Instructors

Pat Curtis, PhD
, Auburn University, is director of the Auburn University Food Systems Institute. Curtis’ areas of expertise are shell egg and egg product safety and quality and shell egg processing technology. Curtis is an International HACCP Alliance-approved instructor and has experience developing and implementing egg HACCP programs. Curtis is also a member of the National Egg Quality School board of directors.

Ken Anderson, PhD
, is a faculty member at North Carolina State University. Anderson’s areas of expertise include pullet and laying hen performance, egg quality, molting and economic return. He has managed the North Carolina Layer Performance Management Test, an Extension program in cooperation with the North Carolina Department of Agriculture and the state’s primary breeders of commercial egg strains. Anderson is currently a member of the National Egg Quality School board of directors.



This is an on-demand learning module that provides information about a variety of different specialty eggs. It compares similarities and differences between the different types of specialty eggs..

Course Goals:

    1. The goal of this training module is to provide information to help learners compare and contrast what differentiates specialty eggs from traditionally produced eggs.

Learning Outcomes:

      • Identify the different kinds of specialty eggs.
      • Compare and contrast the impact of specific feeds on the composition of the egg.
      • Explore the impact of production management on egg safety.
      • Differentiate the safety hazards associated with specialty eggs.
This course is .1 CEU.